Because the aesthetic resembles a double helix? And because it’s a diet/ lite’ version of the previous node project? And the initialism of that spells…D-Do you… Never mind.
As with most of my recent creative attempts, the aesthetic is heavily grounded in fabric of the city. Also, in congruency with my recent works, it is heavy and requires a van to move.
We see, within blighted coastal forms, an opportunity for the development of temporary vivaria for migrating species, while simultaneously accelerating the natural reclamation of structures by nature. This program selects abandoned, disused forms associated with the Great Lakes coast (grain silos, factories, coal plants, etc) and systemically unfolds the structures, injects decomposing- accelerating flora and fauna, and deposits soil/ water remediating microbes, all while providing a habitat for- as well as a forum for the observation of- specific migratory avians.
It is an exaggerated exploitation of slow demolition- the form’s life is extended through opportunistic adaptation, while the structure’s death is framed in a meaningful context.
The periodically collected, sporadically annotated, and appropriately truncated collection of designs of the tangible experience, purveying art, architecture, and graphics, and the exploration and exploitation of the intersection thereof.